Be respectful to your coworkers
HOME > Personal Development > Better Communicator > Be respectful to your coworkers
warm up
- Is it important for you to get on well with your coworkers?
- Are there any people that irritate you in the office?
- How do you deal with such behaviour?
part one
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watch the video
- What is the most important question you need to ask yourself as a worker?
- What are the two answers to it?
- How can the answer to this question affect our careers?
part two
key language
watch the video
- What is incivility?
- How did she and her father experience it at their work?
- What do you think she did when she was feeling abused and insulted?
part three
key language
watch the video
- What did she do after she quit?
- What did she find out through her research on incivility?
- How did some companies react?
- How does incivility affect those who experience it?
- Are you surprised by these findings?
part four
key language
watch the video
- How does incivility affect those who witness it or read about it?
- Why does Christine say that incivility is like a bug?
- What does the example of this physician illustrate?
part five
key language
watch the video
- What are the two main reasons for being rude and incivil?
- Do you think that “nice guys finish last”?
- What are the reasons many leaders fail according to the research by McCall and Lombardo?
- What does it mean to be truly civil?
- What is “radical candor”?
- How do people view others who are civil towards them?
part six
key language
watch the video
- What do employees expect from their leaders above all else?
- How can we make people feel more respected?
- What is the 10-5 way and how do you feel about it?
- How does Campbell’s story illustrate the fact that civility can improve company performance?