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warm up
Answer the questions below.
- Are you reading any book at the moment?
- What is your favourite book or story?
- What makes stories for popular?
key language
Go through the flashcards below. Memorise as many words and their definitions as you can.
watch the video
Watch the video below.
Answer the questions below. Try to throw some of the newly learned words and phrases into your answer.
- How do you understand the proverb; “The one who tells the story rules the world”?
- What is “assimilation” and have you ever assimilated any qualities of a fictional character?
- What is “transportation” and what is the best book or story that does that to you?
- How does “identification” work and who is your favourite hero?
- What does brain research tell us about the action of reading?
- What are mirror neurons?
- How can reading help beat loneliness?
- What book will you read next? 🙂
Cast your vote in the poll.
lesson glossary
The Power of Stories
Practise writing short stories and using narrative tenses. Post your story here.
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Here’s a story a famous presented used in his talk on negotiations:
A couple of years ago, a man walks into a sandwich shop in Delray Beach, Florida and orders a meatball sandwich. So the owner starts to fix the meatball sandwich when all of a sudden the customers pulls out a gun and he says: ‘This is a stick-up! Give me all the cash in the register!’ Now, I don’t know what you would do in a situation like that. Admiral, what would you do in that situation? You’d give him the money. I sure would give him the money. What would you do? You’d give him the money. Well, that’s not what happened. By the way, this is a true story. That’s not what happened. The owner of the shop puts down the meatball sandwich, looks at the robber and he says: ‘Listen, pal. We’ve had a really bad month.’. He says: ‘Business has been terrible. Would you settle for ten dollars and the meatball sandwich?’. Now, I’m not making this up. This was in the paper. He says: ‘Will you settle for ten dollars and the meatball sandwich?’ So the gunman says: ‘Are you crazy?’ He says: ‘I’ve got a gun here! I’m not settling for ten dollars and the meatball sandwich.’ He says: ‘I’m not settling for anything less than twenty dollars and the meatball sandwich!’ So, the owner says: ‘You got a deal!’ Gives him the twenty bucks, gives him the meatball sandwich. You know what it said in the paper? It said: ‘And the robber left satisfied.’… My subject today is the courage to negotiate.
source: Dynamic Presentations by Mark Powell