Break your procrastination habit

Break your procrastination habit

Break your procrastination habit
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  • Do you have a problem with procrastination?
  • Why is it hard to complete some tasks on time sometimes?
  • Do you organize your work tasks according to priority or difficulty?


Listen to the audio. What is the main message of this HBR Management Tip?



Break Your 1. Procrastination Habit

Do you keep 2. postponing work you need to do? Most of us procrastinate from time to time. Rather than feeling guilty about it, or 3. beating yourself up, try these strategies to break the habit.

Schedule your deep work. It’s easier to put off work that requires concentration. So build time in your daily calendar to focus on your most important long-term project. Having a regular pattern each day will make it less challenging and help make progress feel automatic, rather than 4. cumbersome.

Learn to accept demanding work. Don’t make the mistake of 5. equating easy work with productivity. The more tolerant you become of demanding tasks, the less you’ll procrastinate. This takes practice; commit to 6.tackling 90 minutes of at least one demanding task each day — not just busy work.

Create a system for starting new tasks. You’ll be less likely to delay 7. novel tasks if you have a system for approaching them. Have consistent steps you take when you 8. encounter something new to reduce decision 9. fatigue about how to start.

Use self-compassion. We tend to avoid tasks that stir up negative emotions. Try to identify what you’re feeling exactly, so you can address the emotion 10.head on. Sometimes the negative feelings about a task are driven by a prior experience. You can heal these wounds with compassionate self-talk. Tell yourself, “It’s normal to be disappointed in my past performance. I’m learning through experience.”

This tip is adapted from How to Stop Procrastinating,” by Alice Boyes

odkładać zadania na ostatnią chwilę

zwlekać, odkładać, przekładać (na później)

obwiniać się

nieporęczny (np. styl), nieudolny (np. o przeprosinach)

stawiać znak równości pomiędzy

uporać się (z czymś), stawiać czoło (problemom)

nowy, nieznany 

napotkać, natknąć się (na coś)


bezpośrednio, z determinacją



  • How common is the habit of procrastinating?
  • What do some people do when they procrastinate?
  • Why should we schedule time for deep work?
  • How does it help to have a regular pattern for deep work?
  • What mistake do some people make as regards productivity?
  • What do we have to learn to tolerate?
  • What can we do to approach difficult tasks easier?
  • What tasks do we tend to avoid more often?
  • How can compassionate self-talk help us?


Which piece of advice about breaking the procrastination habit do you find most practical?



What is your method of dealing with procrastination? How do you make yourself do difficult tasks?

Share your views and experience here.