A simple formula for making a great pitch

A simple formula for making a great pitch

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Practise speaking by describing this image

warm up

Answer the questions below. Then listen to Kirsten, a woman from the UK, give her answers. Report back what you heard.

What is the most difficult part of preparing and delivering presentations for you?

What is the one piece of advice you received about presenting that you incorporated?

How important is the skill of presenting persuasively in your opinion?

key language

Go through these words and expressions.

Check out if you know what they mean and how to pronounce them. 



Listen to a presentation on how to prepare a great speech. Focus on the main ideas.

Alita is listening to a podcast and making notes


Read the text below.

The Art of Pitching:
A Skill Everyone Needs in Today’s Business World

In the contemporary landscape of business, you don’t need to be a salesperson or marketer to convince others about your ideas. Every professional, from an engineer to a financial analyst, will at some point need to ‘sell’ a concept, a project, or a strategy. By mastering the art of the pitch, you can ensure your ideas don’t just get heard but also adopted. Here’s an extended four-step approach to crafting a persuasive pitch, supported by real-world examples from the business realm.

1. “What if you could…”: Illustrating a Vision

Illustration: Think about the introduction of the iPhone in 2007. Steve Jobs didn’t just present a new phone. He painted a picture, asking the audience to imagine a device that combined an iPod, a phone, and an Internet communication device.

In Practice: It’s all about highlighting possibilities. If you’re an IT consultant, instead of merely proposing a new software solution, you could ask, “What if your team could streamline all their processes in one integrated platform, reducing manual effort by 50%?”

2. “So that…”: Making a Connection

Every idea should resonate with its audience by addressing a specific need or desire.

Illustration: When SpaceX proposed the idea of reusable rockets, they connected it with a clear goal: reducing the cost of space travel so that life could be multi-planetary.

In Practice: If you’re in finance and suggesting a new investment, you could say, “By diversifying into this emerging market, we’re positioning ourselves to capture untapped revenue sources so that we can ensure sustained growth over the next decade.”

3. “For example…”: Grounding the Vision

Abstract ideas can be hard to grasp. Concrete examples or use cases help bridge the gap between vision and reality.

Illustration: AirBnB didn’t just propose a new way of finding accommodations. They showcased stories of real hosts and travelers, illustrating how their platform fostered unique experiences and connections.

In Practice: A project manager might say, “Consider Company X. By implementing a similar strategy, they not only increased their customer retention by 20% but also saw a significant boost in their overall brand loyalty.”

4. “And that’s not all…”: Projecting Forward

After establishing the immediate benefits, it’s vital to demonstrate the long-term potential.

Illustration: Amazon, in its early days, was more than an online bookstore. Jeff Bezos spoke about its potential to be the world’s most customer-centric company, branching out into countless product categories.

In Practice: A marketing strategist might argue, “Once we’ve tapped into this demographic, there’s potential to expand our offerings and partner with complementary brands, turning one-time customers into brand ambassadors.”

In conclusion, everyone in today’s fast-paced business world needs to be a bit of a salesperson, regardless of their title. By refining your ability to present and pitch ideas effectively, you don’t just communicate — you captivate and convince. Remember, it’s not about pushing an idea aggressively, but drawing your audience into a vision that benefits them.


niezawodność, bycie godnym zaufania

ulepszone, poprawione

brać odpowiedzialność za swoje czyny



być z czegoś dumnym

przedstawić (pomysł, ideę)

pewność, niezawodność, rzetelność



Answer the questions below using the information from the article. 

  • Why is the skillof presenting important not only for sales people?
  • Why was Steve Jobs presentation about the iPhone so effective?
  • What does it mean to ‘highlight possibilities’?
  • How does “so that” make a connection?
  • What’s the problem with abstract ideas?
  • How can this shortcoming be overcome?
  • What are the two benefits of mastering the art of the pitch?


Discussing public speaking

Read a conversation between Alita and Pete. They are discussing some questions pertaining to public speaking. You will discuss them afterwards.

Alita: Pete, when you think about striking the right balance between emotion and logic in pitches, how do you approach it?

Pete: That’s a great point, Alita. I believe it’s all about understanding the needs of the audience. Sometimes, you need to appeal to their emotional side, especially when the subject matter can have a personal impact. For instance, when pitching a new health product, showing its personal benefits can resonate emotionally. However, for a technical audience, presenting data and logical arguments might be more effective.

Alita: Absolutely, Pete. And speaking of tailoring pitches, have you ever had to significantly adjust a pitch based on who you were presenting to?

Pete: Oh, definitely. Once, I was pitching a product to a group of investors. The initial presentation was filled with technical jargon, but halfway through, I noticed their disinterest. I quickly pivoted, focusing on the potential returns and market size. The change in approach made a world of difference.

Alita: It’s so crucial to be adaptive. On a slightly different note, how do you handle skepticism? Especially when it’s evident the audience is resistant?

Pete: Dealing with skepticism is challenging. For me, it’s about being transparent and open to questions. Do you remember when Airbnb first started? Many were skeptical about the idea of strangers staying in their homes. But their pitch focusing on community, trust, and the shared economy managed to turn skepticism into interest.

Alita: That’s a fantastic example. The digital age has also transformed how we pitch. With the rise of social media and online platforms, what changes have you noticed?

Pete: The digital age has amplified the reach of pitches. Now, a pitch isn’t just confined to a room; it can be shared globally. However, this also means the audience is more diverse, and feedback is instantaneous. The challenge is to make pitches concise yet impactful, especially with platforms like Twitter requiring brevity.

Alita: So true. Lastly, Pete, the ethics of persuasion have been debated for a long time. How do you ensure you’re ethically sound while also being persuasive?

Pete: It’s a delicate balance, Alita. I believe in being genuine and avoiding exaggeration. There have been instances where companies made exaggerated claims, leading to backlash. It’s essential to be truthful and let the product or service’s genuine benefits shine.

Alita: Well said, Pete. Ensuring integrity while pitching is not just ethical but also beneficial in the long run.

Pete: Absolutely, Alita. At the end of the day, trust is the foundation of any successful pitch.

Over to You

Discuss the questions below.

Refer to the material from the lesson and your own experience.

The Role of Emotion and Logic

How do you strike a balance between appealing to an audience’s emotions versus presenting logical arguments in a pitch? Can you think of an example where one was favored over the other, and what was the outcome?

Adapting to Your Audience

In what ways should a pitch be tailored based on the audience, whether they’re investors, customers, or colleagues? Can you share a time when adjusting the pitch based on the audience made a significant difference?

Overcoming Skepticism

What strategies can be employed when facing a skeptical or resistant audience? Are there instances from well-known brands or startups where they faced initial skepticism but managed to deliver a successful pitch?

The Evolution of Pitching

How have pitches evolved in the digital age, especially with the rise of social media and online platforms? What are some challenges and advantages presented by this evolution?



Share your views and experience here.

Introduce Yourself with Confidence

Introduce Yourself with Confidence

Sorry, but lessons on The Blue Tree work only on a computer or a tablet.

Bardzo mi przykro, ale lekcje na platformie The Blue Tree działają jedynie na komputerze lub tablecie.

Do zobaczenia na większym ekranie 🙂

Zespół The Blue Tree

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Practise speaking by describing this image

warm up

Answer the questions below.

  • How do you usually introduce yourself to new business associates?
  • What can you do to make a positive and lasting first impression?
  • Are introductions different when they happen online or in real life?


Listen to the article first. What is the main idea behind this management tip?



Introduce Yourself with Confidence

Many of us 1. dread the self-introduction, whether it’s in an online meeting or at a boardroom table. The secret to introducing yourself with 2. confidence, in any context, is a simple three-step process: Focus on your present, past, and future.

• Present. Start with a present-tense statement to introduce yourself. Your name and job title is a great place to start. If there’s an 3. opportunity to 4.elaborate, you can also share other details such as a current project, your 5. expertise, or your geographical location.

• Past. Add two or three points that will provide 6.relevant details about your background and 7.credibility. Consider your education, past projects, employers, and 8. accomplishments.

• Future. Demonstrate enthusiasm for what’s ahead. If you’re in a job interview, share your 9. eagerness about potential opportunities at the company. Or, if you’re in a meeting, express interest in what the team is 10. setting out to accomplish.

This tip is adapted from “A Simple Way to Introduce Yourself,” by Andrea Wojnicki

obawiać się, być przerażonym (czymś)

pewność siebie

możliwość, szansa

wyjaśnić szerzej, wytłumaczyć

odpowiednie, właściwe



zapał, entuzjazm

zamierzać, określać, ale również wyruszyć



Answer the questions below. Try to throw some of the newly learned words into your answers.

  • How do many people feel about self-introductions?
  • What should we focus on when we are introducing ourselves to others?
  • What can we include in the first step of the introduction?
  • What purpose does mentioning our past serve?
  • What should we demonstrate when we are focusing on the future?


Cast your vote in the poll.

Which step of the introduction do you think is the most difficult to prepare?



How would you introduce yourself during a onboarding training in a company you have just joined?