The world is poorly designed. But copying nature helps.
What is water
Most Beautiful Places
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Most Beautiful Places
Travel & Nature
warm up
Answer these questions in the fullest possible way.
- What is the most beautiful place you have ever visited?
- If you had the time and money, which places would you like to see?
- How should people protect such places of outstanding natural beauty?
key language
Go through this flashcard set and check some of the vocabulary from the video you are going to watch.
watch the video
Watch the video. Make notes about the places it mentions.
Answer the questions below.
Cast your vote in the poll below. Compare your answer with these submitted by other respondents.
lesson glossary
Check out the language from the lesson. You can download this table in many practical formats.
Why don’t you add new words from this class to your Dictionary?
Have you seen a place which should be on this list? Describe it here.