Would you like to be famous
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Would you like to be famous
warm up
Answer the questions below.
- Would you like to be famous? Explain your answer.
- What are the pros and cons of being famous?
- Does being famous guarantee a happy life?
key language
Go through the flashcards below. Memorize as many words and their translations as you can.
watch the video
Watch the video below.
- What question does Will’s niece ask him?
- How does he feel about being famous?
- Was it easy for him to become famous?
- When did he first feel the impact of fame?
- What are some of the downsides of being famous according to Will Smith?
Cast your vote in the poll.
lesson glossary
What is it about fame that so many people want to have it? Why are people drawn to the idea of being famous? Is it really such a desireable thing? Express your views here.