Atomic Habits by James Clear
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back to HOME > Personal Development > Personal Productivity >
warm up
Answer the questions below.
Are you interested in personal development? |
eah, I’m definitely interested in personal development. I love learning new things and finding ways to improve myself, whether it’s through work or in my personal life. I feel like I’m always trying to grow, but I admit I could be better about sticking to new habits. That’s something I’m working on!
Have you ever set yourself any goals and achieved them? How did it feel? |
I’ve set a few goals for myself, and when I achieve them, it feels incredible. One of the best examples was when I committed to meditating daily. At first, it was hard to keep up with, but after a few weeks, it became part of my routine. Seeing how far I’d come made me feel more in control and proud of myself. Reaching a goal reinforces the idea that I can push through challenges and succeed.
What is the benefit of having clearly defined habits? |
Having clearly defined habits helps create structure and predictability. For me, it’s about efficiency—when my habits are well-established, I don’t waste time thinking about what to do next. It frees up mental energy for more important tasks, and I stay consistent with the things that matter most. Plus, knowing exactly what I need to do makes it easier to stay disciplined.
part one
key language
watch the video
- ⌚ 00:34 What are the Four Laws of Behaviour Change?
- ⌚ 01:30 How do these four factors work in the context of going to a gym?
- ⌚ 01:45 What are the benefits of adopting these Four Laws of Behaviour Change?
part two
key language
watch the video
- ⌚ 1:49 What is the first strategy for developing a new habit?
- ⌚ 2:13 How does Habit Stacking work?
- ⌚ 2:35 How did Natan build a habit of flossing his teeth?
- ⌚ 2:57 How is Habit Stacking like riding a bike downhill?
part three
key language
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- ⌚ 3:01 What do we need if the initial effort for the new habit is too daunting?
- ⌚ 3:30 How did Twyla Tharp adopt the Starting Ritual?
- ⌚ 3:48 Why was it a good strategy?
- ⌚ 4:03 What should we focus on when we are creating the Starting Ritual?
part four
key language
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- ⌚ 5:17 What two strategies will help us make our habits attractive and satisfying?
- ⌚ 5:48 How did Ronan Byrne adopt the Sync strategy to exercise more?
- ⌚ 5:59 When will we look forward to doing our new habit?
- ⌚ 6:31 What will the craving for the reward counteract?
part five
key language
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- ⌚ 6:43 What is the final strategy that will help us make the new habit satisfying?
- ⌚ 7:00 How do such visual proofs reinforce our habits?
- ⌚ 7:32 How important is tracking our progress?
- ⌚ 8:06 How will adopting these strategies help us stick to out goals?
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lesson glossary
Change Your Life – One Tiny Step at a Time
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Zespół The Blue Tree
back to HOME > Personal Development > Personal Productivity >
warm up
Answer the questions below.
What can you do to make your routines more enjoyable? |
To make my routines more enjoyable, I try to mix in things I love, like listening to music or turning a task into something more creative. For example, I make my morning routine fun by playing upbeat music while I get ready. It’s the small things that can turn boring tasks into something I look forward to!
What are some bad habits you’ve fallen into/gotten out of? |
I’ve definitely had my share of bad habits. One that I’m glad I got out of is checking my phone first thing in the morning. It used to set a rushed, distracted tone for the whole day. Instead, I’ve replaced it with meditation, which helps me stay grounded. Breaking that habit took time, but the switch has made a big difference in how I start my day.
Do you find creating habits easy? |
Creating habits isn’t always easy for me. I need structure and consistency to really make a habit stick. I’ve found that breaking things down into smaller steps helps. For example, if I want to work on a coding skill, I’ll commit to just 10 minutes a day. Keeping it simple and manageable makes it less overwhelming, and eventually, it becomes part of my routine.
part one
key language
watch the video
- ⌚ 0:22 What are some popular goals people often set themselves?
- ⌚ 0:34 What qualities are necessary to achieve our goals?
- ⌚ 0:52 How do some people feel when they slip back into old (bad) habits?
- ⌚ 1:09 Do you agree that change is hard?
part two
key language
watch the video
- ⌚ 1:32 In what sense our brain is like a jungle?
- ⌚ 1:41 What trick has our brain come up with?
- ⌚ 2:10 What happens to this rough trail after some time?
- ⌚ 2:27 Why is change particularly difficult for adults?
part three
key language
watch the video
- ⌚ 2:48 What is a routine? Give some examples.
- ⌚ 3:26 What are the characteristics of a ‘wise planner’ who executes routines?
- ⌚ 3:35 How are habits different from routines?
- ⌚ 3:45 In what sense does a habit make us feel like being on an autopilot?
- ⌚ 4:06 What are triggers? Give some examples.
- ⌚ 4:45 What are the characteristics of a ‘toddler’ who executes habits?
- ⌚ 5:43 How are the planner and the toddler helping us going through life?
part four
key language
watch the video
- ⌚ 6:02 Why is it better to improve your life alittle than aiming high?
- ⌚ 6:18 What is a better way to form a habit than forcing it with willpower?
- ⌚ 6:30 How are the planner and the toddler helpful in creating new habits?
- ⌚ 6:41 What is the first step in creating a new habit? Why is this step important?
- ⌚ 7:52 What is the next step after setting your trigger and action? What outcome will it bring?
part five
key language
watch the video
- ⌚ 8:27 What can we do to make the action more likely to be picked up by the ‘toddler’?
- ⌚ 9:06 Is it possible to know how long it will take us to form a new habit?
- ⌚ 9:26 Which part of forming a new habit is the most difficult?
- ⌚ 9:45 Are there any silver bullets for effecting change?
- ⌚ 9:56 Is change a direction or a destination? How do you understand it?
Answer the questions below. Throw newly learned words and phrases into your answers.
- What do you think of the idea of the planner and the toddler presented in this lesson?
- What do you think of the difference between a habit and a routine? Does it make sense to you?
- What happens when you put aside instant gratification and prioritise delayed gratification?
- What happens when we aim too high?
- How can we design our environments to help us trigger more good habits?
- What is your method of forming a habit and sticking to it long-term?
lesson glossary
What do you think of the ideas presented in this lesson?
Share your views and experience here.
What do you think of the ideas presented in this lesson? Have you got your own strategy for setting and meeting goals and targets? What has been your biggest achievement in this regard so far?
Share your views and experience here.