Magic Words by Jonah Berger

Magic Words by Jonah Berger

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Magic Words by Jonah Berger
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In this lesson we will review the book “Magic Words” by Jonah Berger. Have a look at some discussion questions below. Answer them using your own experience. Listen to some model answers and relate back what you have heard.

The Power of Words: Can you recall a time when someone’s words had a significant impact on your feelings or decisions, either positively or negatively? How did that make you feel, and why do you think those particular words had such an effect on you?
Self-Persuasion: Have you ever used specific words or phrases to motivate or discourage yourself from doing something? For instance, telling yourself ‘I can’t’ versus ‘I don’t’ when faced with a temptation or challenge?
Influence on Others: Have you noticed how different words or approaches can change people’s reactions or decisions? For example, how asking someone ‘Could you help me?’ might have a different response compared to ‘Would you mind helping me?’ Why do you think that is?

part one


key language

Study the words below. Make sure you understand them well.

Listen to the recording to learn how to pronounce them.

to double the chancespodwajać szanseWinning the lottery would double the chances of him going on a world tour.
enormousogromnyThe elephant has an enormous size compared to the mouse.
banishwypędzanie, usuwanieShe is banishing the negative thoughts from her mind.
nervesnerwyI always get nerves before speaking in public.
performancewystęp, wykonanieHer performance in the play was outstanding.
dramaticallydramatycznieHis health improved dramatically after changing his diet.

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  • ⌚ 0:19 How powerful are words?
  • ⌚ 0:21 What will the first word help you with?
  • ⌚ 0:22 What will the second word help you with?
  • ⌚ 0:23 What’s the power of this category of words we will learn later in this lesson?

part two


key language

Study the words below. Make sure you understand them well. 

enhancedwzmocniony, podkreślonyThe spices enhanced the flavor of the dish.
temptedkuszonyShe was tempted to eat the last piece of cake.
substitutionsubstytucjaAlmond milk is a common substitution for dairy milk in vegan recipes.
autonomyautonomiaAchieving autonomy in decision-making is crucial for personal growth.
locus of controlośrodek kontroliBelieving in fate means having an external locus of control.
heightenspodnosi, wzmacniaThe suspense heightens as the story progresses.
extinguishesgasi, tłumiThe rain extinguishes the campfire.
non-negotiableniepodlegający negocjacjomThe terms of the contract were non-negotiable.
leveragewykorzystaćShe wants to leverage her skills in the new job.
prioritizepriorytetyzowaćIt’s essential to prioritize your tasks to be productive.
directivedyrektywa, polecenieThe manager gave a clear directive to the team.
persuasiveprzekonywującyHis argument was so persuasive that everyone agreed.
pronepodatnySome plants are prone to certain pests.
resistanceopórThere was a lot of resistance to the new policy.

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  • ⌚ 0:45 What were the first group of participants told to do?
  • ⌚ 0:50 What were the second group supposed to say to themselves?
  • ⌚ 1:07 What effect did this have in the end?
  • ⌚ 1:27 How does saying “I can’t” make us feel?
  • ⌚ 1:34 What happens when we say “I don’t”?
  • ⌚ 1:51 What are other benefits of using “I don’t”?
  • ⌚ 2:05 How can we leverage the power of “I don’t”?
  • ⌚ 2:25 Which of the three examples resonates with you the most?
  • ⌚ 2:38 Why is it important to use “because” and “choose to”?

part three


key language

Study the words below. Make sure you understand them well. 

nerve-wrackingdenerwującyPreparing for the exam was a nerve-wracking experience.
self-talkrozmowa z sobąSelf-talk can be a useful tool for motivation and reflection.
intensifieswzmacnia, potęgujeThe music intensifies as the movie reaches its climax.
qualificationskwalifikacjeHis qualifications make him suitable for the job.
cortisolkortyzolStress can increase the levels of cortisol in the body.
promptspobudza, skłaniaThe bright colors prompted her to buy the dress.
supportivewspierającyHe has always been a supportive friend.
declarationsdeklaracjeShe made several bold declarations during the meeting.
procrastinatingzwlekanieStop procrastinating and start working on your project.
dissatisfyingniesatysfakcjonującyThe food at that restaurant was quite dissatisfying.

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  • ⌚ 3:09 How do many people self-talk? Which pronouns do they use?
  • ⌚ 3:32 What should we replace the “I” pronoun with?
  • ⌚ 3:49 How did the presenters who used the second person self-talk perform on a presentation?
  • ⌚ 4:02 What is the benefit of seeing the situation from a supportive coach perspective?
  • ⌚ 4:13 What words can boost your confidence even further?

part four


key language

Study the words below. Make sure you understand them well. 

strivingdążenieShe is striving to achieve excellence in her studies.
boostzwiększyć, podnieśćThe advert gave a significant boost to sales.
lecturingwykładanie, pouczanieHe’s been lecturing at the university for years.
eliteelitaShe belongs to the elite group of athletes in the country.
upholdpodtrzymywać, przestrzegaćIt’s important to uphold the traditions of our ancestors.
turnoutfrekwencjaThe turnout for the event was much higher than expected.
cheateroszustNobody likes a cheater in a game.
concisezwięzłyHer writing style is clear and concise.

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  • ⌚ 4:39 How can you help a person who got stuck?
  • ⌚ 5:07 What do “could” questions help people to focus on?
  • ⌚ 5:23 What do good coaches know and what do they say to their clients as a result?
  • ⌚ 5:42 When people don’t do what we expect them to do, what shouldn’t we do?
  • ⌚ 5:42 What should we do instead?
  • ⌚ 6:06 What examples illustrate the power of building identity?
  • ⌚ 6:20 Why is turning actions into identities effective?


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