The best place to be a woman?
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The best place to be a woman?
Man & Society
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Answer the questions below.
- Should men and women be paid equally for the same type of work?
- Why is this an issue in so many countries?
- What do you think governments should do to tackle this problem?
part one
key language
watch the video
- What are the three areas of inequality between men and women?
- Which country is bridging these gaps successfully?
- What is their secret?
- How are kindergartens organised on Iceland?
- What do these special schools aim at?
- What do they teach girls and boys?
- Does this bring positive results?
part two
key language
watch the video
- What are men encouraged to do in Iceland?
- What is a Daddy Quota and how does it work?
- Do other countries have a similar scheme?
- How is this creating more equal field on the labour market?
part three
key language
watch the video
- What legislation was passed in Iceland?
- What do companies have to prove from now on?
- How does this pay calculator work?
- What did the featured company find out?
- Do you agree that we place more value on traditionally male dominated jobs?
Cast your vote in the poll.
How do you feel the issue of gender inequality should be fixed?