IDIOMS AND METPAHORS OF GROWTH AND PLANTS Learn 15 practical idioms and metaphors that relate to growth and plants. Read the English example aloud and flip the card to see a Polish translation. To turn over a new leaf /tuː tɜːn ˈəʊvə ə njuː ˈliːf/ After the holidays, she decided to turn over a new leaf and start exercising regularly. Zacząć nowy rozdział To plant the seed of an idea /tuː plɑːnt ðə siːd əv ən aɪˈdɪə/ The teacher planted the seed of curiosity in her students. Zasiać ziarno pomysłu To blossom into something /tuː ˈblɒsəm ˈɪntuː ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ Over the years, he has blossomed into a confident and successful person. Rozkwitać w coś To grow apart /tuː ɡrəʊ əˈpɑːt/ After moving to different cities, they started to grow apart. Oddalać się od siebie To bear fruit /tuː beə ˈfruːt/ His hard work finally bore fruit when he got a promotion. Przynosić owoce To put down roots /tuː ˈpʊt daʊn ˈruːts/ After years of traveling, they decided to put down roots in a small town. Zapuszczać korzenie To branch out /tuː ˈbrɑːntʃ ˈaʊt/ She decided to branch out and start her own business. Rozwijać się w różnych kierunkach To weed out /tuː ˈwiːd ˈaʊt/ The company is trying to weed out unproductive habits. Wyplewić, pozbyć się To be in full bloom /tuː biː ɪn ˈfʊl ˈbluːm/ Her career is in full bloom, and she is enjoying every moment. Być w pełnym rozkwicie To nip something in the bud /tuː ˈnɪp ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɪn ðə ˈbʌd/ It’s important to nip bad habits in the bud before they get worse. Zdusić coś w zarodku To have deep roots /tuː hæv ˈdiːp ˈruːts/ His love for art has deep roots in his childhood experiences. Mieć głębokie korzenie To sow the seeds of doubt /tuː ˈsəʊ ðə ˈsiːdz əv ˈdaʊt/ His comments sowed the seeds of doubt in her mind about the plan. Zasiać ziarna wątpliwości To be green with envy /tuː biː ˈɡriːn wɪð ˈenvi/ She was green with envy when she saw her friend’s new car. Zielony z zazdrości To reap the benefits /tuː ˈriːp ðə ˈbenɪfɪts/ If you study hard, you will reap the benefits during the exam. Zebrać korzyści To cultivate a relationship /tuː ˈkʌltɪveɪt ə rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp/ It’s important to cultivate a relationship with your colleagues. Pielęgnować relację 1 out of 15 Time's up