Heather and Tony

Heather meets Tony - take 2

Heather: Tony, do you have a 1) ? I’d like to discuss something important.

Tony: Of course, Heather. What’s 2) ?

Heather: I know you’ve got a training 3) this afternoon, and I really value the learning opportunities it provides. However, we have a 4) of a situation with the workload that’s built up while I was away, and now there's a presentation I need to 5) for Paris next week.

Tony: I understand, Heather. It’s just that this will be the third session I've had to 6) . I was promised a hundred hours of training when I 7) this job, and I’ve hardly received any so far.

Heather: I completely understand your 8) , Tony. Your training is just as important to me. Let’s make a 9) where you can assist with some immediate tasks today, and I'll ensure you make up for the missed training sessions. How about we schedule a couple of extra sessions next week? I can also look into some 10) resources to enhance your learning experience.

Tony: That sounds fair, Heather. I appreciate you finding a 11) . What do you need help with?

Heather: Thank you, Tony. I really 12) your flexibility. Let’s start with organizing the data for the Paris presentation. I’ll make sure we allocate time for you to 13) up on your training. Also, I'm here to support you, so let's ensure we keep the lines of communication open.

Tony: Sounds good, Heather. Let’s get to work then.

Heather: Great, and Tony, I’m committed to ensuring you get the full training you were promised. Let’s touch 14) at the end of the day and make sure we’re on track with both the presentation and your training schedule.

Idioms about progress and motivation

1. What does "find your feet" mean?
2. If someone is "raising the bar," what are they doing?
3. To "take the bull by the horns" means to:
4. When "the pieces of the puzzle start falling into place," it means:
5. What does "making headway" imply?
6. To "bear fruit" means to:
7. Being "stuck in the mud" means:
8. "Getting the ball rolling" is to:
9. A "runaway success" refers to:
10. To "not see the wood for the trees" means:
11. "Plugging away" at something means:
12. To "get off the ground" means:
13. If you "play your cards right," it means:
14. "Hitting a home run" means:
15. "Coming on leaps and bounds" means:
16. Being "in your element" means:
17. When you're "knee deep in mud," it means you are:
18. "Not out of the woods yet" implies:
19. Having "green fingers" means:
20. If you're "on the right path," it means:
21. "Step by step" suggests:



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Inner critic

Beating Your Inner Critic and Building Self-Confidence

Do you often 1) yourself doubting your abilities? You're not alone. Many of us struggle 2) an inner critic that can make us feel less confident. But don't worry, there are ways to overcome this and 3) your self-confidence.

First, remember that practice makes 4) . The more you do something, the better you get at it. This is true for 5) interviews, public speaking, or any new skill. Practice helps you improve and builds your confidence.

Second, 6) from your experiences. If something doesn't go as planned, don't 7) it as a failure. Instead, see it as a learning opportunity. This can help you do better next time.

Setting small, achievable goals is another great 8) to boost confidence. When you reach these goals, you feel a sense of achievement. This can make you feel 9) confident about taking on bigger challenges.

It's also important to surround yourself with supportive 10) . Friends or colleagues who believe 11) you can really help improve your self-esteem.

Lastly, take 12) of yourself. Eat well, get enough sleep, and do things that make you 13) . When you feel good physically and mentally, it's easier to feel confident.

Remember, everyone has 14) of doubt. But with practice, learning, and support, you can overcome your inner critic and become more 15) . Keep opening these doors to growth and self-improvement!


(P) - Positive emotions, or frequent feelings of pleasure and contentment
not important
very important
(E) - Engagement, or being in the flow of something and losing track of time
not important
very important
(R) - Relationships, or mutual feelings of caring, support, and love
not important
very important
(M) - Meaning, or contributing to making the world a better place
not important
very important
(A) - Achievement, or striving for success or mastery
not important
very important
(V) - Vitality, or being healthy and energetic
not important
very important