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How to Learn
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Answer the questions below. Listen to the answers below.
Did you like going to school? |
I had a mixed experience with school. I liked learning new things, especially when it came to subjects I was passionate about, like literature and art. But sometimes, the structure felt too rigid, and I didn’t always feel like there was enough room for creativity. There were parts of school that I enjoyed, but other times, it felt more like going through the motions rather than being truly engaged.
What are schools for? |
I think schools are meant to teach kids the basics of knowledge, like reading, math, and critical thinking, but they should also be places that help students figure out who they are and what they want to do. It’s not just about academic subjects; schools should help young people develop life skills, creativity, and confidence. That way, they can find their passions and use them to contribute to society.
Do schools do a good job preparing young people for adult life? |
I think schools could do a better job of preparing young people for adult life. They teach academic subjects, but they often don’t focus enough on practical life skills—things like managing finances, critical thinking, or emotional intelligence. Preparing students for adult life should go beyond textbooks and exams, helping them develop the adaptability and resilience they’ll need in the real world.
part one
key language
watch the video
- What are schools for according to Sir Ken Robinson?
- What don’t we know and why is it a problem for education?
- What does Sir Robinson think about creativity?
part two
key language
watch the video
- What does the story of a little girl drawing God illustrate?
- Who does the educational system favour?
- Should schools put as much importance on dance as on languages?
part three
key language
watch the video
- What does it mean intelligence is:
- diverse
- dynamic
- distinct?
- Retell the story of Gillian Lynne.
- What does her story illustrate?
- Why is it critical that school do a better job of preparing children for the future?
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